Sacred Shawl Shelter

Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault & Stalking

We help the Relatives (clients) in the following manner:

  • Transportation to a safe location.

  • Assist Relatives to secure protection orders and offer support during court appearances.

  • Connect the Relatives with appropriate social services. 

  • Host sweat lodge and cultural and spiritual healing for our women and children.

  • Transport Relatives to:

    • Court  

    • Doctor appointments

    • Counseling appointments 

  • Assist Relatives with gaining self-sufficiency: 

  • Getting Social security cards

  • Getting Birth certificate(s)

  • Securing tribal -related documents (Certificate of Indian Blood, Tribal ID, Enrollment)

  • Identifying long-term living locations

  • Work readiness skills

  • Job hunting

  • Referrals for helpful assessments

  • Preparing Relatives with a “Transitional Bundle” when they acquire self-sufficiency

  • If Relatives choose to secure a long-term shelter/housing, we assist them with: 

    • Planning, applying and relocating to the place they decide upon. 

  • If Relatives choose to go on to live with family rather than another shelter, we will transport them to their new living arrangements. 

** WHBCDC is able to provide these services through the OVW Fiscal Year 2023 Rural Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Program Grant  #15JOVW23GG02820RURA

Need support or assistance?

*In the event of an emergency, dial 911 immediately.